Thursday, 14 November 2019

Day of Presentation

It's been a long way but we managed it and I really like how it all turned out. We have placed a lot of thoughts, time and work into this project. We have been meeting up outside and after College everyday to get some work done. Even when we couldn't meet up we still communicated on messenger in our group chat. We found it very easy to discuss our ideas or concerns through messenger whenever we couldn’t meet in person. WE have created an album on one drive and we all had access to the email which allowed us to upload or download any photos that we needed. We then also send the PowerPoint to each other.     
The day of the presentation has come. We have put in a lot of work into this and the stress is there but we went through the PowerPoint a few times so we should be ok. We also have sorted who is reading what and explaining the things. We have included a few photos as well to show our work. The powerpoint is easy and clear to read. We have tried to make it simple so that most of the information would be our own words. Most of the slides have a few points or just some words. We have also included some of our photos and pictures we have created for the blog posts.   
Our presentation turned out to be slightly weak because we didn't put enough of our own work we did. We should've have spent more time on the presentation because we were focusing too much on the blog itself. We have learned how to improve our PowerPoint and how we should do it the next time. We have gotten some helpful feedback. We also have learned that our PowerPoint should have more photos and the developing process to show how we created our blog. After listening to our feedback, I do agree that we were lacking our work process examples. We needed to have shown more steps of how we made our blog and why we made it a certain way. Since we spent so much more time on the blog, we didn’t pay much attention to the PowerPoint and presentation.    
I enjoyed the other groups presentations and thought they were much better than the last ones. Everyone have improved since our first project and I found these PowerPoints easier to follow than the last ones. I learned some interesting facts about You tubing and Memes. The PowerPoints had less blocks of writing which meant the audience were present and were listening. Looking at the other power points made me compare them and learn what works and what doesn't. I now know better of the things that should be avoided in the PowerPoints like lack of images and long blocks of writing. I like that this time groups chose different projects, so there was a variety within the whole group. It wasn’t boring like the last time listening to the same projects all the time.  

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Culture Mission Blogging

I have decided to do Blogging for my next project. I am really looking forward to it and have a few ideas already on what to base our blog on. Out of all the other options I felt that blogging would be the most suitable for the topic ideas I have. I also liked how in blogging you can post almost everything not just the videos or photos but much more.  
We were told to write down all the options for this mission and then to write a sentence or two about why we want or don’t want to do a certain option. After writing them down we had to decide on our best three and then according to our choices we got placed into groups. We also got a chance at the end to have a small discussion with the group about our ideas.  
So I picked blogging and have formed a group with Keith and Chris. The three of us wanted to do blogging and it turns out we have a lot of ideas going on when it comes to our blog. We found out that one blog is enough and I think we will just focus greatly on one. We have a few themes for our blog already like "photography", "student's life", "addiction" and "mental health. I'm really looking forward to start working on this project because I feel like we will have some great co-operation. Now that this is our second project we have a better idea of what has to be done and how to present it.  
We have learned how to improve on our work and presentation from our previous project. Therefore we should be able to improve our grades for this project. I have a very strong feeling that we will work great together and that this might be one of our best projects. We seem to be getting on well together in the group and there is a lot of ideas among us. One ideas is a spin off to other ideas and this gives us a boost for our blog. We have discussed and decided a lot in just one meeting so far. This is a great sign. 
The project is going good so far, there's more ideas everyday but less time. We are co-operating well and creativity is there. 

After talking about it we have decided to do our blog on "student's life" because it was something we all had in common, it would stand out from the other blogs and we were able to discuss about this topic the most. We also thought that this blog could be really helpful for other students and it would be a great way of expressing our thoughts as first years. We are thinking of writing the blog from our own point of view and linking the topic of student's life to mental health, stress and addiction.

We are developing many different ideas and we are working great as a group as we all listen to eachother and there's no one leader. We communicate and co-operate greatly which allows to go deep into this project. 

We have started with a few spider diagrams to develop our idea and have gone through many pages of writing where we discuss our topics and the structure. We have also research blogging and looked through a few different blogs to get inspiration and to see how blogs are written.

I'm really enjoying working in this group on the blogging because it allows us to be very creative and to explore.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Video Editing

Today's class was different, I was expecting to continue working on our mission but instead we had to edit a music video using Adobe. I found it fun as I always enjoyed editing videos. This meant I already knew somethings about the editing programs and how they work. I used to edit videos before so this made it easier for me. Yet I still learned some new tips from the tutorial videos which I always find very useful. I liked how we had a free choice of how the video should be edited.

The tutorial videos were very helpful, explained everything clearly and were easy to follow. I had no problem in preforming the task and found it entertaining. I haven't used Adobe video editing before so it was nice to try it out and get familiar with it.

Last mission of semester 1

This mission took a lot of our time to do. The interviews were very time consuming and so was the editing. After some time thoug...